Wednesday 2 June 2021

Home Security Tips 

Home security is a common topic we often discuss as we see burglaries happening around us. People are sometimes delusional and often ignore taking some basic steps to protect their homes. No matter how safe your town may be, it is supercritical that you are taking the proper steps to ensure your home and family are safe and secure. 

We have listed the top 10 home security tips that are easy to follow and can help you achieve higher security standards at your home. 

1 )Install a burglar alarm to help you deter burglars and get peace of mind

2) Install a CCTV system to monitor your premises if it is a high-risk property

3) Keep your valuables safe and secure at home. If possible, keep them away from plain sight.

4) Ensure your doors and windows are properly locked when you leave home or go to bed at night.

5) Make sure you are using window blinds to keep strangers from sneaking into your premises.

6) If you are a pet lover, then it is worth getting a dog that will help you guard your home and keep strangers away from your premises.

7) Keep your mails and flyers from piling up at your mailbox. It gives a signal to burglars that the homeowners are probably not at home.

8) Get rid of long bushes around your garden. It helps burglars hide, especially in the dark, when seeking an excellent opportunity to get into your property.

9) Use motion-sensor lights to keep away the strangers during the night.

10) Don't keep your spare key under your doormat. It is the most obvious place to find the keys. 

FHA Security is a home security company delivering home security services and is committed to helping people protect their homes.

We specialise in Burglar Alarms, and CCTV Systems tailored to both residential and commercial requirements.

If you would like to learn more about our services, then please get in touch with our team, and we would be happy to help you with your requirements.