Sunday 16 October 2016

Office Security Tips to Secure Your Workplace

-Be aware of everyone that goes in and out of your office. Does that person belong here? If you don’t recognize someone, ask; "How can I help you?"
-Don’t leave purses, wallets cell phones, tablets, or other valuables in plain view or in unlocked drawers. These items are easy to just grab and walk away.
-Enforce your “No Solicitation” policy. Often these can just be a ruse to scope out the office.
-Protect your office keys/ID pass badges. Don’t leave them lying around or lend them to others.
-Keep doors and windows locked.
-When working late in the office, make sure you take extra precautions: lock doors, let people know where you are, make sure you have a safe way to get back to your car/transit.
-Don’t leave computers unlocked when you’re not present. Lock your screen / screen-saver to avoid people snooping.
-Check ID and verify when service people come to the office for repairs, cleaning, etc.
-Be aware, be proactive. If you think something might be amiss, then report it.

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