Wednesday 28 September 2016

Moving Home – Security Check Lists!

Moving house can be stressful to say the least, and you have a lot of things to take care of. In all these chaos, here is a list of important, but easily forgotten list of things to take care of.

Mail Forwarding: Royal Mail needs a minimum of 5 working days to arrange forwarding your email. So arrange mail forwarding a few days before moving, and this can help you against identify frauds, and you may even get home mover offers from Royal Mail partners.

Update Address:We recommend you make a list of all financial institutions you have accounts with and update the address nearer the time. Please note, if you leave it till after you moved, there is a risk of some important documents being sent to your old address. Please make sure your list includes the following.

Bank accounts
Credit card statements
Personal loans, Savings and Investments
Insurance Providers
Vehicle Insurances
Address with employers and Kids’ school
Voters register
TV License

Cancel Supplies:Cancel or redirect all your local deliveries such as  newspaper and milk and give them sufficient notice.

Utility Suppliers: Let Gas, Electric and Water Suppliers know that you are moving, this can also be done just after moving. Please make sure you take meter readings at your old and new home and provide this information to the suppliers just after moving.

Telephone, Broadband and TV: They tend to require the longest notice when it comes to moving, as you may require site visits. Average lead time varies from a week to 2 months. Most suppliers expect you to sign up to a new contract for the new home.

Burglar Alarms: Our customers choose between either moving their existing alarm or going for a new one when they move. We recommend you give your security company at least a week’s notice and we can plan the installation accordingly. If you decide to leave your old alarm behind, it is important you let your burglar alarm provider know, so the alarm can be stopped from calling you and also gives the new owners an option to take the system over.

We also offer a service where we install a new alarm for you on the day or day after you collect your keys, so your property is fully secure even before your contents are moved in. We can even install security systems before your telephone and broadband is up and running. Speak to us to arrange a same day installation. 

Please call us on 020 3137 8727 for more information.

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