Friday 16 September 2016

Taking just a few steps can make a big difference in keeping your home safe from burglary

Here are a few tips:
• Lock your doors and windows every time you leave the house, even when you're just out in the garden, remembering to double-lock UPVC doors (lift handle and turn key)
• Hide all keys, including car keys, out of sight and away from the letterbox (remember a device could be used to hook keys through the letterbox)
• Install a visual burglar alarm
• Install good outside lighting
• Get a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your property
• Leave radios or lights in your house on a timer to make the property appear occupied
• Make sure the fences around your garden are in good condition
• Secure bikes at home by locking them to an immoveable object inside a locked shed or garage
• Keep ladders and tools stored away; don't leave them outside where they could be used to break into your home
• Ensure side gates are locked to prevent access to the rear of the property
• Ensure rear fencing is in good repair
• Improve natural surveillance at the front of your property i.e. trim high hedges
• Consider joining or forming a Neighborhood Watch scheme
• Remove valuables from view of ground floor windows
• Store any high value items (i.e. jewellery, passports) in a properly secured safe or bank vault
Contact us:
Fitted Home Alarms Ltd
1 Twyford Place, Lincolns Inn Office Village
Lincoln Road, High Wycombe
Buckinghamshire, HP12 3RE
Phone: 0800 193 8727 , 020 3137 8727

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