Thursday 20 November 2014

Top tips to protect your home this summer

 Top tips to protect your home this summer.

Here is our summer’s top tip to protecting your home.

Lock up.

Sounds like common sense I know, but you wouldn’t believe the number of doors and windows left open during this time of year. Make sure all windows are secure and all doors are locked before leaving the room you are in, going out or going to bed.

Don’t hide spare Keys out.

Don’t leave keys outside for people to use them. This is a huge no no. I know it’s easy as a just in case any relative to pop over but if you don’t mind them having access to your home then make sure they have their own set to use. This will eliminate any intruders from getting their hands on your keys.

Lock up the gardens.

With kids playing, doing some DIY, gardening and having a BBQ. Things are bound to be left outside. Just try to make sure that you lock everything up. With all those power tools and kids toys lying about, the amount will soon tally up, Be easier to lock them away than have to replace them.

The summer holidays will soon be with us and everyone is planning their big holiday away, but while you are arranging all the last bits and making sure you have everything, One huge tip arrange for someone to come visit your home a couple times while you are away just to make sure everything is ok. The last thing you want is to come home to a disaster. Make sure the move the post, If anyone was to look into your property one of the major things that screams IM AWAY is post on the floor.

Turn your alarm on

One of the best things you can do is install a Burglar alarm. Did you know that we at Fitted Home Alarms are able to tailor our alarms around your everyneed. Want to leave your windows open when you sleep? Not a problem with our Visonic Powermax range we can add devices that will let you leave the windows open while you got to bed.

Expensive power tools in the garage? Easily fixed, with our alarms we can add additional devices to put into your garage that will connect to the alarm system to give you extra peace of mind.

We do a range of different types of alarms to be able to suit everyone’s needs from basic home security to Professional graded alarms.

All of our prices include VAT and installation and are discounted already to save you money. We are able to save you money and time with our telephone service and online service, to match the right alarm to your requirements.

Check out our website to view our alarms and services or call us to chat to one of our advisors.

And remember lock up and be safe.

Don’t let thieves spoil your summer! Our top tips to protect your property this summer.

At last it looks as though the temperatures are beginning to rise as the summer months approach. But are you aware that, unfortunately, this is also the time of year when thefts from homes and gardens reach a peak?

During the good weather we all like to spend time in our gardens and for many of us a summer vacation beckons.

Here are some simple tips which will help you to protect your property and will ensure that your summer is not ruined by an opportunistic thief.


Garden Furniture, B-B-Q Equipment, Children’s Toys Etc.

It may be tempting to leave property that we use in the garden unsecured overnight but it really is desirable that all such items are cleared from the garden and, if possible, locked away out of sight of prying eyes.
Windows and Doors.

It always makes sense to keep windows and doors firmly closed and locked whenever practical. Even when you are in your garden you should secure your home to prevent a sneak thief gaining entry.

And during the night make sure that the windows of all unoccupied rooms are properly closed and secured.


When leaving home on a summer vacation, or even for a weekend away, it is essential that you give serious attention to the matter of keeping your property as safe from thieves as possible.

Put Lights on Timers.

Improve security by fitting Timers to the lights in your main living rooms. Set them so that the impression is given that your home is still occupied.
Adjust Blinds and Curtains.

Wherever possible leave blinds and/or curtains in their normal positions, taking care not to leave valuable possessions visible to prying eyes.

Secure Valuables.

Protect important documents, jewellery etc by placing them in a home safe or safe deposit box.

“Hidden” Keys.

Remove all keys from their supposedly “secret” outdoor locations. If possible provide a friend or neighbour with a duplicate key.
Disconnect Your Computer.

Switch off your computer/laptop and disconnect it from the Internet; particularly if it contains personal information.

Don’t Advertise Your Absence!

A burglar may be tipped off to your absence from home by the ringing of an unanswered telephone. So turn off the “Ringer” and keep your Answering Machine in play.

NEVER leave a message on a Facebook or Twitter page informing people that you are on holiday.

Remember to cancel the milk and/or the newspapers. Ask a neighbour to make sure that no mail is left protruding from your letter-box.

Tell The Police!

If you are going to be away from your home for more than a few days then notify your local Police station of your plans. If possible leave your contact details with them.

Set The Alarm.

Make sure that, if fitted, your Home Alarm System is activated. Make sure your contact numbers in your telecommunicating alarms are up to date. All our telecommunicating alarms will call three to four numbers of your choice, mobile or landline, directly if there is a break in attempt, without costing you on any monthly fees or monitoring charges.

It would help to have at least one number is for a friend or family member if you are travelling abroad, or make sure roaming is enabled in your phone travelling abroad.

And Finally… May We Help You?

If you have not yet installed a Home Security System then we are here to give you the benefit of our professional expertise and advice. With our express installation service, we can install an alarm within 24 hours of order (Conditions Apply).

FITTED HOME ALARMS provide an extensive range of security systems designed to suit every need and budget.

For more information please go to our website or call us at 020 3137 8727 or 0800 193 8727.

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Phone : 0800 193 8727
020 3137 8727
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